Friday 17 February 2023

Sock Yarn Dyeing

I've done some sock yarn dyeing and have a few extras that I don't need for myself.

Each skein is $25 (plus shipping, if you're not local):
462 yards / 100g
75% Merino, 25% Nylon

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Some of you have received invitations from my mom to come here this Saturday (or Sunday, in case of rain). First of all, thank you for your interest! I love to knit and I really love sharing the warmth and quality of well-made hand-knits with all of you.

Here are some things you will see when you visit.

Some of my sock designs:

Stunning designs by other people, knit by me (including a few pair knit in glittery Christmas yarn just for fun):

As well as a VERY limited quantity of hand-spun yarn, hand-dyed yarn, some hats, a few scarves and shawls and some other goodies.


I look forward to seeing you!

Friday 22 July 2022

I've started to add some photos of the socks I knit. Along the top of this page are some tabs separating the socks by size (sort of). I'm using the Yarn Craft Council's standards to classify them by size. Any feedback on how to organize and show these off is greatly appreciated!

Tuesday 27 July 2021


Still have one to go.

PB&W by BBK, the only one I'll put wool socks on for in the summer. She is missed.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Two words.

Shingles. Flu.

That's what has been happening since I wrote last. Shingles for the second time, thankyouverymuch, and a nasty flu that wasn't Covid, thankfully. Just now I'm kind of sort of digging myself back up and into the light of real life, so soon I'll be up and running as intended.

Of course I have been knitting and spinning anyway.

This is the first 50g of some Nest Fibre Studio nestlets. Spun on Eeloize, the Electric Eel Nano, plied on a Snyder spindle.

Some miniature mitten  ornaments for insta-gratification goodness.

Then a start on a merino batt from Yara Fibers spun on my sheep spindle from Snyder

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Being accountable to myself.

 OK, all previous plans and promises are scrapped. Here's the new status:

  • start each day by taking care of the dog(s);
  • follow up with some form of exercise for myself every other day (don't let more than two days go by without doing this);
  • clean on non-exercise days;
  • spend at least 2 hours working on developing my designs, dyeing yarn, or developing my online presence;
  • break the "work" (HA!) with another dog walk;
  • then the fun knitting/spinning/crocheting happens.

Obvious exception: Sock Madness or other knitting on a deadline overrides all other knitting, but nothing gets in the way of dogs or exercise.

I got this.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Introducing the new foster puppy, Barbu, and the Tour de Sock kick off!

Yesterday was a big day. First the Tour de Sock kicked off at 8:30am, and knitters around the world pressed refresh a bazillion times in order to get going with our first pattern, Twists & Turns by Adrienne Fong.

I have to say - I always like her patterns. I've knit a few over the years and have consistently been impressed by the clarity of her instructions and always by the final product.

I'm using DROPS Fabel, of course, in a dark purple colour which doesn't seem to photograph well...

Pretty lace! That's the progress I made before the most exciting part of my day happened yesterday - the arrival of the new foster puppy!

Meet Barbuche. Also seemingly named Horatio as of last week. I'm not sure what the story is there, but I'm calling him Barbu:

He's a twelve year old Bichon from Gerdy's Rescue, the best, most incredible rescue organization I've ever heard of. Barbu was at the SPCA, where he had 8 teeth and some bone removed from his jaw a couple of days ago. He's not in the best of moods now, as he refuses to take his pain meds (I'll win in the end!) and hasn't eaten since he got here, but I figure he just needs some time to adjust. He also has a big patch of fur missing on his back, likely from a bad flea infestation (which is gone now) or possibly from a metabolic condition that has yet to be diagnosed. He's a sweet adorable dear, fully housetrained, and gets along well with my furbabies. We're going to have a good time.

Order done!

Well, the yarn order came in on the 23rd of May, and I've been knitting up a storm. All socks for the order are done, and look great if I do say so myself...

RoseHiver's Hold Your Seahorses and Water for the Elephants:

Sandra Jäger's reindeer socks:

And Maria Simonsen's Elgsokker (modified for fingering weight yarn, with only one moose and a striped foot):

See how those last ones are a nice crisp grey with blue? Yeah... Well, something happened when I soaked them (which I always do so I can block them into shape and make the stitches behave themselves), and now the grey is a mottled pale blue. I am NOT impressed.

Up to this point I have been very pleased with DROPS Fabel, and I still am, as this accident was entirely my fault. I've soaked hundreds of socks, and this is the first time I've had a problem with the colour running... But it's also the first time I forgot a pair of socks in the water for two days. I hope their new owner won't be too disappointed!

But all in all, it's been a great time. The patterns were fantastic, and I'm definitely madly in love with the red/turquoise colour combo.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Itching for Yarn

It has been a slow knitting week, due largely in part to the fact that the yarn I ordered from Nordic Mart on May 3rd still hasn't shipped out. The yarn I need to finish the commissions. The commissions that are due on June 6th...

However, there is a good update on that. I finally emailed them last night, and got a response (close to midnight!) letting me know that they will expedite my order. So now I just have to hope it gets to cross the border without a hold-up. I wish I had written sooner.

I won't have too much left to knit for the order, so I think I'll be ok if the yarn gets here reasonably soon. Only the second socks for two pair are needed (in addition to the toes of  the first socks, but that shouldn't take long at all).

On to the update then, weenie though it is.

I've knit as far as I can on the Hold Your Seahorses until more orange arrives, and am partially through the toe decreases. There is a possibility that I'll run out of navy on the second sock, but I hope to be able to pick some up locally if need be. I'll reverse the colours too, which may help.

Look at how adorable the seahorse is (pre-blocked, so he'll only get better)!

I cast on the fourth and last pair for this order, Reindeer Socks by Sandra Jäger. I love the colours, and think I want to remake my whole world in turquoise and red. The second sock will be with the colours reversed, and for a change I have all the yarn I need on hand. Of course, this is the pair that isn't due along with the other three, but I hope to have it finished anyway.

Cross your fingers with me that I can get the rest of the yarn within a week or so. I can be a speedy knitter, but I'd rather do without the pressure, thank you very much.

Monday 9 May 2016

Moose, Elephants and Seahorses, oh my!

Hello Monday, hello blog update!

I'm currently working on a commission of  four pair of colourwork socks, and one is off the needles.

I based these on Elgsokker by Maria Simonsen. The design is in Norwegian (I think), which I don't speak, so I basically just followed the chart and made up the rest of the pattern. They were designed for worsted weight yarn, but I adjusted them for fingering weight, and only used one repeat of the moose pattern on the leg, striping the rest.

Two of the other pair for this order are on the needles. The first is Water for the Elephants by Rose Hiver. I knit a pair of these a few years ago, and it may just be the pattern that made me fall in love with this designer. These are currently on hold, as I ran out of black and am waiting for a resupply.

In the meantime, I've moved on to the third pair: Hold Your Seahorses by Yvette Noel (aka Rose Hiver). This woman is definitely the go-to for gorgeous animal colourwork patterns. It doesn't look like much yet, but just wait...

As a break from colourwork, I worked on one of the socks for Sock Madness and managed to get the first of the pair knit. These are Sweet Nuttins by Adrienne Fong, and have beads on the leg (I opted to leave them off the foot because I'm not sure that would be comfortable). These have a really cute ruffled cuff that involved casting on a bajillion stitches before decreasing, which looks adorable.

And for something completely different, I knit a lily for my mom. The pattern by Heather Broadhurst was published on Knitty way back in 2006 and I finally decided to brave it (I love socks, but tend to shy away from fiddly things). It is extraordinarily clever, and apart from the never ending i-cord stem, was shockingly fun to knit. There may be more of these in the future.

Thursday 5 May 2016


Well, what do you know - I completely dropped you. I am notorious for falling off tracks, and this seems to be no exception. However, that being said, I just signed up for Tour de Sock again and figured it would be a good time to try some resuscitation.

It's been a year. Lots of knitting, lots of life changes, lots of the same, too. First, here are the remaining 2015 Tour socks I didn't talk about:


I also participated in Sock Madness (which is still ongoing, and I've knit more than this pair, but the other pictures are, quite frankly, embarassing):

I worked on a bunch of colourwork items:

Had company while trying to photograph some projects, as is often the case:

And even designed a pair of socks, which I have yet to write the pattern for:

See? I should have stuck around, and will put my intentions to it. I need a plan. Not a random "whenever a project is done" plan, but maybe once a week could work. How does Monday sound? Have I suggested this to myself before? Sounds awfully familiar...